Can you buy a glass surround for Elementi fire pits to shield wind?

At Crackle Fireplaces, we are creating products that are adaptable with multiple accessories. Among them, you might find the option to implement a glass surround to protect your fire-pit from excessive wind. This is incredibly lucrative if you live in an area that has more aggressive winds, but mother nature can strike at any given moment so it’s important to be prepared. Our fire pits by themselves are already very resistant to wind, but you can add some protection to preserve its health and viability over time by implementing a glass shield that effectively remedies the situation. Wind can be a challenge, but there are viable solutions to consider here.

Sleek and stylish options for your fire pit

Some may opt for using a steel guard, but there’s something more stylish about implementing a glass see-through option. These can be purchased with elegant designs that are enhanced by the glow of the fire and are therefore more favored by many. Our Elementi fire pits are designed to be incredibly versatile so you can purchase a wind guard to fit well. However, it would be wise to study the dimensions just in case so you make the right choice. We encourage you to find the glass surround that fits your individual taste and this is a way for you to express your preferences. You might find some colored glass options that would serve to benefit you stylistically. Overall, a glass surround for our Elementi Fire pits will be a stunning addition and will bring life to your backyard with an experience that doesn’t lackluster. Wind can get pretty aggressive, but that doesn’t mean you should let it rule your good time!

An experience with more continuity

If you don’t have a wind guard then high winds will definitely put a damper on the party when using a fire pit. They can only take so much before the quality of the flame starts to suffer. Thankfully, there are viable options to consider and a glass surround is a popular choice because it compliments the fire pit nicely. We know that you need something that is lucrative for more intensive wind conditions. It can be tough to deal with a stubborn breeze that constantly diminishes the fire pit experience. It can be relentless at times and you deserve more continuity across the experience. Using a glass surround is a great solution that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You would be wise to consider it for a more even and pleasurable fire pit experience. It will effectively reduce anxiety and keep you at peace throughout outdoor variables. Not only that, but it will increase the overall longevity of your fire pit by reducing the stress.

Conquer mother nature and enjoy the fire pit more

It can be incredibly distracting when the flame is hindered by wind, and it will definitely be noticeable when using our fire pits if you live in a particularly windy area. Mother nature will continue to do her thing, but that doesn’t mean you have to fret about it all the time. Reduce the anxiety of wind putting a damper on your good time with the integration of a glass surround for a safe and viable experience. Our Elementi Fire pits are adaptable to the situation and covering all the bases will optimize the overall experience. This is an exceptionally important part of getting the most out of our products. We are proud to offer you a wide range of solutions for the weather challenges that your fire pit must endure. There are many options to consider, but a glass surround is one of the more advantageous ones to use.

Purchase one of our fire pits or fireplaces today!

At Crackle Fireplaces, we are dedicated to your satisfaction and offer a wide range of fire pits and fireplaces to keep you warm during those colder months. However, they are also a great way to enjoy a summer night. We offer you the highest quality materials and innovative designs that are stylish. They will blend into your backyard with ease and give a natural appeal. You can find regular specials on our website and we are always seeking to help you save money with free shipping. Everything in our inventory is comprehensive and organized so you can make an informed decision. Our Elementi fire pits are especially popular and don’t forget to pick up a useful glass surround to keep you settled during the experience. We are trustworthy and approachable regarding any questions or concerns you have about any product. Contact us today to establish a connection and find the perfect fire pit or fireplaces to compliment your indoor or outdoor environments. Witness our remarkable efficiency today with the highest quality products on the market!